Tailwind CSS Custom Breakpoints: Step-by-Step Guide

published on 27 September 2024

Want to tailor Tailwind CSS breakpoints to your project? Here's what you need to know:

  • Tailwind has default breakpoints (sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl)
  • Customize by editing tailwind.config.js
  • Add, remove, or modify breakpoints as needed
  • Use prefixes like md: or lg: in your HTML

Quick steps to customize:

  1. Open tailwind.config.js
  2. Edit the screens object
  3. Use your new breakpoints in HTML
  4. Test on different screen sizes

Here's a look at Tailwind's default breakpoints:

Breakpoint Screen Width
sm 640px
md 768px
lg 1024px
xl 1280px
2xl 1536px

This guide will walk you through customizing breakpoints, avoiding common pitfalls, and optimizing your responsive designs with Tailwind CSS.

What You Need to Know First

Let's cover the basics before we jump into custom breakpoints in Tailwind CSS.

Tailwind CSS in a Nutshell

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework. It gives you pre-made CSS classes to style your HTML. Like this:

<div class="bg-blue-500 text-white p-4 rounded-lg">
  Tailwind-styled div

It's fast, consistent, and flexible.

Setting Up Your Project

Here's how to get started:

1. Make sure you have Node.js and npm.

2. Create a project folder and run:

npm init -y
npm install tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p

This creates a tailwind.config.js file. You'll customize your breakpoints here.

3. Create input.css and add:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

4. Add to package.json:

"scripts": {
  "build": "tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./output.css"

5. Run npm run build.

You're all set. Now let's customize those breakpoints.

Default Tailwind CSS Breakpoints

Tailwind CSS comes with built-in breakpoints for responsive design. These are based on common device sizes.

Here's what they look like:

Breakpoint Screen Width
sm 640px
md 768px
lg 1024px
xl 1280px
2xl 1536px

You'll find these in your tailwind.config.js file under theme.screens. They're mobile-first, meaning styles apply from the breakpoint width and up.

Using Breakpoints

Breakpoints in Tailwind let you create responsive designs without custom CSS. Here's how:

  1. Start with mobile styles by default.
  2. Use prefixes like sm:, md:, or lg: for larger screens.
  3. Build up complexity as screen size increases.

For example:

<div class="text-center sm:text-left md:text-right">
  Text alignment changes with screen size.

This div's text aligns center on mobile, left on small screens, and right on medium screens.

You can also use breakpoints with grids:

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
  <div>Item 1</div>
  <div>Item 2</div>
  <div>Item 3</div>

This creates a single column on mobile, two on medium screens, and three on large screens.

How to Change Breakpoints: Step-by-Step

Want to customize Tailwind CSS breakpoints? Here's how:

1. Find your tailwind.config.js file (usually in the project root).

2. Update the screens object:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    screens: {
      'sm': '640px',
      'md': '768px',
      'lg': '1024px',
      'xl': '1280px',
      '2xl': '1536px',

Change values as needed. For example:

'md': '960px',

3. Add new breakpoints by including them in screens:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    screens: {
      'sm': '640px',
      'md': '768px',
      'lg': '1024px',
      'xl': '1280px',
      '2xl': '1536px',
      '3xl': '1920px', // New breakpoint

4. Remove breakpoints by deleting them from screens. Update affected styles.

5. Use your new breakpoints in HTML:

<div class="text-sm md:text-base 3xl:text-lg">
  Responsive text

This text changes size at different breakpoints: small by default, medium from md, and large from 3xl.


Check If Your Breakpoints Work

After setting up custom breakpoints, you need to make sure they're doing their job. Here's how:

Tools to See Breakpoint Changes

1. Chrome DevTools

Open Chrome's responsive design mode. Resize your browser window and watch your layout adapt.

2. Tailwind CSS Breakpoint Indicator

Add this to your project:

<div class="fixed top-0 right-0 m-8 p-3 text-xs font-mono text-white h-6 w-6 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-700 sm:bg-pink-500 md:bg-orange-500 lg:bg-green-500 xl:bg-blue-500 2xl:bg-purple-500">
  <div class="block sm:hidden md:hidden lg:hidden xl:hidden 2xl:hidden">al</div>
  <div class="hidden sm:block md:hidden lg:hidden xl:hidden 2xl:hidden">sm</div>
  <div class="hidden sm:hidden md:block lg:hidden xl:hidden 2xl:hidden">md</div>
  <div class="hidden sm:hidden md:hidden lg:block xl:hidden 2xl:hidden">lg</div>
  <div class="hidden sm:hidden md:hidden lg:hidden xl:block 2xl:hidden">xl</div>
  <div class="hidden sm:hidden md:hidden lg:hidden xl:hidden 2xl:block">2xl</div>

This little indicator changes color and shows you which breakpoint is active as you resize.

3. JavaScript Breakpoint Checker

Use this script:

function getActiveBreakpoint() {
  if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 1536px)').matches) return '2xl';
  if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 1280px)').matches) return 'xl';
  if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 1024px)').matches) return 'lg';
  if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 768px)').matches) return 'md';
  if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) return 'sm';
  return 'default';

function updateBreakpoint() {
  document.getElementById('breakpoint').textContent = getActiveBreakpoint();
  document.getElementById('screenSize').textContent = `${window.innerWidth}px x ${window.innerHeight}px`;

window.addEventListener('resize', updateBreakpoint);

Add this HTML to show the results:

<div id="app" class="p-4">
  <p class="text-2xl">Active Breakpoint: <span id="breakpoint" class="font-semibold"></span></p>
  <p class="text-lg">Screen Size: <span id="screenSize" class="font-semibold"></span></p>

Testing on Different Devices

  1. Browser Developer Tools: Use device emulation in Chrome DevTools to simulate various screens.

  2. Physical Devices: Test on real smartphones, tablets, and computers.

  3. Online Tools: Try Responsinator or Screenfly to view your site on different device sizes.

  4. Cross-Browser Testing: Use BrowserStack or LambdaTest to check across browsers and operating systems.

Common Problems and Fixes

Customizing breakpoints in Tailwind CSS can be tricky. Here are some issues you might face and how to fix them:

Preventing Breakpoint Overlap

Overlapping breakpoints can mess up your layout. It happens when you add new breakpoints without thinking about the existing ones.

Here's a real-world example:

"I added a custom xs: breakpoint at 540px. It works for mobile and xs, but my xl breakpoint doesn't work anymore - it's stuck at 400px height on desktop."

The fix? It's simple:

  1. Order breakpoints from smallest to largest.
  2. Use min-width for all breakpoints.

Try this:

const { screens } = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    screens: {
      'xs': '360px',

This adds your custom breakpoint and keeps the default ones.

Clear Breakpoint Names

Confusing names lead to mistakes. Use names that make sense for your project.

Instead of this:

screens: {

Do this:

screens: {
  'tablet': '750px',
  'desktop': '1050px',

Now it's clear which breakpoint is for what device.

Performance Issues

Too many breakpoints? Your CSS gets bloated and your site slows down.

Here's how to keep things speedy:

  1. Only add breakpoints you NEED.
  2. Use Tailwind's PurgeCSS to cut unused styles.
  3. Try Tailwind's JIT mode for faster builds and smaller files.

Remember: More breakpoints = bigger CSS file. Keep it lean!

Tips for Using Custom Breakpoints

Custom breakpoints in Tailwind CSS can boost your design flexibility. Here's how to use them effectively:

Organize Your Breakpoints

Keep your breakpoints clean in your config file:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    screens: {
      'mobile': '360px',
      'tablet': '640px',
      'laptop': '1024px',
      'desktop': '1280px',

This structure helps you find and update breakpoints quickly.

Document Your Changes

Write down your custom breakpoints. It helps your team understand your choices:

Breakpoint Size Use Case
mobile 360px Small phones
tablet 640px iPads, larger phones
laptop 1024px Most laptops
desktop 1280px Large monitors

Keep this info in your project's README or docs.

Don't Overdo It

Stick to the breakpoints you need. Too many can slow down your site.

"We started with 7 breakpoints. It was a mess. We cut it down to 4, and our designs are cleaner and easier to maintain."

Each breakpoint adds to your CSS file size. Keep it lean for better performance.

Pro tip: Use Tailwind's JIT mode. It only generates the CSS you use, keeping your files small even with custom breakpoints.


Tailwind CSS custom breakpoints are straightforward once you get the hang of them. Here's what you need to know:

  • Tailwind has default breakpoints (sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl) for common screen sizes.
  • It's mobile-first. Use prefixes like md: or lg: for larger screens.
  • To customize, edit tailwind.config.js.
  • Order matters when adding new breakpoints.

Here's a quick look at Tailwind's default breakpoints:

Breakpoint Size
sm 640px
md 768px
lg 1024px
xl 1280px
2xl 1536px

Want to try it out? Here's what to do:

  1. Open tailwind.config.js
  2. Add or change a breakpoint
  3. Use your new breakpoint in HTML
  4. Test on different screens

Keep your breakpoints organized. It'll make your life (and your team's) a lot easier down the road.


How to add a custom breakpoint in Tailwind?

Want to add a custom breakpoint in Tailwind? Here's how:

  1. Open tailwind.config.js
  2. Find theme.screens
  3. Add your new breakpoint

For example, to add a '3xl' breakpoint:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    screens: {
      'sm': '640px',
      'md': '768px',
      'lg': '1024px',
      'xl': '1280px',
      '2xl': '1536px',
      '3xl': '1920px', // New custom breakpoint

How to add a custom screen in Tailwind CSS?

Adding a custom screen? It's the same as adding a custom breakpoint. In Tailwind, "screens" and "breakpoints" are the same thing. Just follow the steps above.

How to use Tailwind CSS breakpoints?

Using Tailwind breakpoints is simple:

  1. Add the breakpoint prefix to your utility classes
  2. The style applies at and above that breakpoint

Here's an example:

<div class="text-sm md:text-base lg:text-lg">
  This text changes size at different breakpoints

This text starts small on mobile, gets medium on tablets, and goes large on desktops. Easy, right?

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